
Artifact [c49b437643]

Artifact c49b437643ee22db4bf2084971f8e7564004d2148e090a01f75b6b5c74dbd434:

Wiki page [economy] by zie 2021-08-05 22:36:59.
D 2021-08-05T22:36:59.785
L economy
P e7ef380a84f9ec0e11d9a86460c4536bba74c6b9db0e8f17fb5d114bd0dbf465
U zie
W 563
It's helpful to understand how the economy works.  Luckily Ray Dalio did all the hard work for us at his <a href="https://www.economicprinciples.org/">website</a> or just watch his <a href="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PHe0bXAIuk0">youtube video</a>.

How the [US federal reserve works](https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/closing-the-monetary-policy-curriculum-gap-20201023.htm) from the fed itself.

TODO: add more information here, so one can read and not watch the youtube video. also self-host the video, to avoid youtube.

Z 3ea8d7380cdc811b19258c5771fe3af8