
Update of "FixedIncome"

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Artifact ID: 5e974080c43680b4e1c198f6ed1aa51f693fd7fa193dddca5e785325dcf28e14
Page Name:FixedIncome
Date: 2021-08-27 02:07:49
Original User: zie
Parent: 19fe1eb0bf83176c89dd62298e6d0c71d457ec5236383534c39c2cfaef507358 (diff)
Next 6cb1e2dc3be43fe383d80e38232184e1b0b96b7150a87d037cb81afd681a3581

You have to pay for safety. On a real basis, after tax, etc, "safe" assets generally lose to inflation(with rare occasional exceptions).

Roughly in order of safety:

FDIC insured accounts, MMF, generally lose to inflation.

Some treasuries should keep up with inflation at least(tips, iBonds, etc) but after taxes, you probably won't.

MYGA's are in the same boat, you might be able to beat inflation, but maybe only barely(and involve lots of insurance paperwork, apparently) and after taxes, doubtful.

Bonds can beat inflation, but there is zero guarantee and for the next decade almost certainly won't.

bonds except for the past 40-ish years have not even kept up with inflation. This is the rare occasional exception, alluded to earlier.

Real Estate will probably keep up with inflation, and if you treat it like a real business, you might even make some money.

Preferred stocks should beat inflation, but takes on considerably more risk than everything else above it, but after taxes you probably can make a little.

Equities should handily beat inflation, risk is obviously higher.

The safer the money, the less people are willing to pay you for it. There is no free lunch.


The US govt(and many other developed nations) have a bet that they have inflation under control, via TIPS, over8% of the US govt debt is in Inflation Protected Securities. They are willing to sell more. That is the full faith and credit of the US govt saying, Inflation WILL stay at 2-3% over the long term, and we are willing to stake our entire global reputation on it. Betting against the US govt in the past 100 years has been a bad idea. Will it be a bad idea in the next 100? probably.